This man is the inspiration and the one who started it all. Rodney Elmer has been an avid outdoorsmen and hunter since he was a child, and a serious deer hunter from an early age. He began adventuring into the backwoods of Maine teaching himself how to chase big bucks in the early 90’s, while simultaneously developing a strong reputation in the Taxidermy world. With numerous 200lb whitetails and “racker bucks” on the wall, he started passing along his love of nature and all things wild to his children.


    Taylor Elmer, Rodney’s youngest son, has become the driving force behind all of their online presence, with his photography skills and a passion for creating awesome video content, he has been instrumental in helping hundreds thousand of hunters take to the big woods and share the experience of the group with the world. Not only has he created a reputation in the video world he has become a skilled tracker and big woods hunter. After taking multiple large bucks he strives to share how its done and inspire with his fellow outdoorsmen and women.


    Theresa Elmer, Rodney’s Wife, Business Partner and mother of “the Boys”, is the true driving force behind Mountain Deer Taxidermy. Operating their Taxidermy Shop single handedly for 3 months out of the year, she knows her way around a buck, as well as being a wealth of knowledge in all things Fish and Wildlife. She spent 6 years on the Vermont Board of Fish and Wildlife helping to ensure the future of hunting and conservation of wild species in Vermont for all. Her passion and dedication has allowed the guys to chase whitetails and share their experience with their fellow hunters. For the rest of the year she works side-by-side with Rodney in their shop bringing the memories of the hunt back to life, for hundreds of people.


    A man whom everyone, even strangers, would call a friend. Jim Murphy, or as most know him, CoCo Puff is the driving motivation for whole Mountain Deer Crew. He embodies the word persistent and driven. Very few hunters, let alone people, have the positive attitude and friendly nature that this man possesses. Coco Puff has taken his fair share of big bucks, and can track in the backwoods with the best of them! He has spent many years as Rodney’s hunting partner and a mentor to the Elmer Boys (Rion, Casey and Taylor).

    Every groups of hunters should have a Coco Puff. It’s hard to find someone with passion, humor, and knowledge but when you do they become the foundation of Deer Season and without them, why hunt at all? Coco Puff is that man.


    Casey Elmer, Rodney’s middle son, its rapidly making a reputation as a big buck tracker. With multiple 200lb racker bucks, paired with years of hunting experience, he will soon be a house hold name in the hunting world. Casey is a major advocate of wildlife habitat and best forestry practices. After graduating from the University of Maine at Orono with a forestry degree, he has educated hundreds of people on how to manage their woods to promote healthy habit for all wild creatures. Anyone who has seen his hunts, knows of his passion and love for all things in nature.


    Rion Elmer, Rodney’s second oldest son, is an experienced tracker and woodsman. If there ever was a hunter that embodies the idea of the kill always coming last, this would be he. “Beaver, or the “Beav” as many know him, is a true sportsman and conservationist. He spends most of his time deer hunting enjoying his time in the woods to reconnect with nature and hop on the track of a big buck. Whether a 10pt buck or a simple “spike horn” he shares his excitement and love for deer no matter the size. “The Beav” is one of those genuine and kind people that are rare, these and many other of his amazing qualities continue into how he holds himself as a true hunter.


Along the way there have been so many friends that became part of “the pack” and have hunted along side the Mountain Deer Crew. As well as all of the unmentioned people who are apart of this whole journey. These are just a few of the hunters that have made so many deer seasons worth it even without the deer. Thank You!