
Hunter Education Courses


Hunter Safety Courses


Over the last 15 years, we have put on 8 classes a year instructing and welcoming over 3,000 people into the world of hunting and to do so safely. Through courses like these all across the US, we have dramatically decreased the number of hunter related injuries in the last few decades. As well as increase involvement in wildlife programs and habitats restoration.

The majority of classes we host at Mountain Deer Taxidermy, are “Home Study Courses”, these courses require that students complete a workbook or online equivalent before they can attend the Safety Course. This allows us to decrease the time required to complete the program focus on in field study with instructors and ensure a base on knowledge for all students. All Hunters are required to take a Hunter Education Class before allowed to participate in Hunting anywhere in North America.

If you are interested in taking a Hunter Safety Course feel free to contact us or go to the VT Fish & Wildlife website, to check class schedules and availability in your area.


Deer & Wildlife Classes


Every year, we try to have seminars where we share our experience and expertise to hunters on a variety of topics. Such as deer hunting, where to find them, how to process them for food, and hunting techniques. We cover everything from Deer to Bear, Moose and small game. If you are interested in any of our courses or classes, check out our Facebook Page or the VT Fish & Wildlife website.

For more info or if you have questions please feel free to reach out!